I don’t think I’m sharp enough to not prepare and come on set and kill it. Jake Gyllenhaal Read Quote
If you’re a believer, God is not a thought-experiment requiring a special sub-creation to be tried out in. He’s an actual, er, actuality already, embedded in a necessary and true story about guilt, hope, and liberty. I don’t want C. S. Lewis doing his resourceful best to render Him as a fabulous special effect. Francis Spufford Read Quote
An enthusiast broods over the oppression of a people till he fancies himself commissioned by Heaven to liberate them. He ventures the attempt, which ends in little else than his own execution. George Haven Putnam Read Quote
History, after all, is a process, not a position, and it is not best written in bronze and marble. It is complex, plastic and ever-changing; all things that heroic statues are not. David Olusoga Read Quote
On a beautiful clear Sunday morning, myself and James Nesbitt jumped out of a plane together at 18,000 feet. Aidan Turner Read Quote
It is one thing to train officers on fighting crime. It is a whole other thing to train them to build friendships and relationships, which are integral to fighting crime. This takes time, effort, and patience on the part of police officers. Rahm Emanuel Read Quote
After World War II, there were a lot of pension funds in Europe that were fully funded, but they were pressured to hold a lot of government debt. There was a lot of inflation, and the value of all those assets fell. Those pension funds couldn’t honor their promises to the people. Edward C. Prescott Read Quote
Since 1890, the Tour d’Argent’s basic recipe hasn’t changed. If you find yourself at the restaurant tomorrow, you will eat duck in the confidence that it was what someone ate a hundred years ago. You will eat it in the expectation that someone else will be served it a hundred years from now. Bill Buford Read Quote
Sometimes the things I do look effortless, but it’s not like that. It’s very difficult, but because of my style, I make it look easy. Dimitar Berbatov Read Quote