The stability and security of authoritarian regimes cannot create but terrorism and violence and destruction. Let us accept the choice of the people. Let us not pick and choose who we would like to rule their future. Wadah Khanfar Read Quote
I can’t imagine anything worse than being in a position that you’re not allowed to live your life privately. Mark Strong Read Quote
When I finally got a management position, I found out how hard it is to lead and manage people. Guy Kawasaki Read Quote
Darwin recognized the fact that paleontology then seemed to provide evidence against rather for evolution in general or the gradual origin of taxonomic categories in particular. George Gaylord Simpson Read Quote
EIla Enchanted’ began in a marvelous writing course at New York City’s The New School. Gail Carson Levine Read Quote
Hollywood sometimes tends to patronize the interior of the United States. As Horton Foote used to say, the great Texas playwright, that a lot of people from New York don’t know what goes on beyond the South Jersey Shore. Robert Duvall Read Quote
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into. Henry Ward Beecher Read Quote
Crime is one of the leads of the show. If there’s ever anything that deals with a character’s personal life, you don’t have to worry about it getting too crazy. People don’t have to worry about character arcs. Each episode is a self-contained unit. Christopher Meloni Read Quote