Initially I thought: ‘I would never get cast opposite Will Smith! No one would ever buy it with the age difference, our personalities.’ I can’t think of a couple that makes less sense in every way, shape and form. Margot Robbie Read Quote
I love every aspect of football, so getting out on the field is fun for me. Danny Amendola Read Quote
To the truly benevolent mind, indeed, nothing is more satisfactory than to hear of a miser denying himself the necessaries of life a little too far and ridding us of his presence altogether. James Payn Read Quote
All of a sudden you have this feeling of clarity. Backcountry snowboarding has really done a lot to boost that feeling in me. Craig Kelly Read Quote
I love theater. To have the people onstage right there, to be working in concert with other artists, this is a like a school of fish moving together. Phylicia Rashad Read Quote