Israel is one of the easiest places to play ball. When I say easy I am referring to the easy lifestyle an athlete has while in Israel. It’s very easy to get around the country, because it’s so small. Michael Kennedy Read Quote
I think all my life’s story is condensed in my face. It is neither innocent nor coy. It speaks volumes. Dimple Kapadia Read Quote
Friends, there are many areas in which I need encouragement, but worrying is not one of them. I worry the way Renee Fleming sings high Cs: Effortlessly. Loudly. At length. Martha Beck Read Quote
Don’t get me wrong: I can and do waste time on the Internet with the best of them, but in some respects, I am an embarrassingly analog guy. I am not on Facebook. I write whole books on yellow legal pads. I do not own a cell phone. Jonathan Dee Read Quote
After 50 years in the motion picture business, I’m still learning my trade. This recent shoot of ‘Mandie and the Secret Tunnel’ was a revelation. The two young directors, Joy Chapman and Owen Smith, represent a group of actors, directors, and cinematographers all over the country that never show up in New York or Hollywood. Dean Jones Read Quote
You must obey the law, always, not only when they grab you by your special place. Vladimir Putin Read Quote
I would really like to play someone contemporary, as I’ve done lots of period pieces. I would love to play an American bimbo or a grimy Londoner. But I’m probably more suited in people’s minds to playing a corseted victim. Rachel Hurd-Wood Read Quote
Upload Radio is a new venture offering content creators and bedroom DJs the chance to get their own programmes on the air by buying time. David Hepworth Read Quote