By the time I was twenty-three, I’d given up any thought of becoming a fiction writer, and I didn’t return to the craft for over two decades. But, at the age of forty-five, return I did. Eric Flint Read Quote
The teachers’ unions that block school reform have done serious damage to the union brand. The public no longer views unions as their friend, much less their champion. They view them as corrupt, intransigent and more interested in protecting their political clout within the Democratic Party than protecting their members or even school children. Juan Williams Read Quote
I have seen quite a lot of things in life. I would not like to change anything. Because every moment of my life has taught me something. Sunny Deol Read Quote
I don’t particularly buy into all the nutrition fads and that sort of thing. Lizzie Armitstead Read Quote
Pause today and notice something you have worked hard on and recognize yourself for it. Acknowledge your effort. Kristin Armstrong Read Quote
I don’t play lovers. I wish I did. At least once I’d like to have a crack at one of those guys. A heartbreaker. Some people are born to it. I’m not. Christopher Walken Read Quote