The personal contact is a personal thing. The fact that some people don’t know their neighbors, I don’t think that technology is at fault. You don’t lose anything with technology. You gain other avenues of understanding. John Warnock Read Quote
Though some choices may slow our journey, every path we take gives us more familiarity with how our actions affect the world around us, giving us more opportunities to learn how to help ourselves and others. Matthew Underwood Read Quote
As a plastic surgeon, I know the skin better than anybody because I see it in all the different layers. Paul Nassif Read Quote
The big problem in translating is that we had to translate the language. People may not know that we record the podcast in Japanese, translate it to English and then actors play us on the podcast. I’m not actually Scott Aukerman, I’m the actor who plays his voice on the podcast. Unfortunately, it’s cost prohibitive on a television show. Scott Aukerman Read Quote
I think the comic that’s gotten me the most feedback is actually the one about the stoplights. Noticing when the stoplights are in sync, or calculating the length of your strides between floor tiles – normal people notice that kind of stuff, but a certain kind of person will do some calculations. Randall Munroe Read Quote
Basically, the start of my thinking process is: ‘OK, if you didn’t have to worry about re-election, what would you be doing?’ That’s kind of how I’m starting to think. Ray Nagin Read Quote
For me, Sundance always felt big. It’s not the only way to make your way, but for me, it was definitely that critical link between struggling artist, kind of working on my own, to actually working professionally and being connected and being seen. Dee Rees Read Quote
I always have to find things that I relate to and understand in the characters that I play; otherwise, it won’t feel that authentic. KiKi Layne Read Quote
I am very clear that I am not a feminist. It puts you into a category and I don’t like that. Marina Abramovic Read Quote