The edge of a black hole, the event horizon, is a boundary that marks the point of no return. Once an object crosses the event horizon, it cannot escape and will be ripped to pieces, atom by atom. Kevin McCarthy Read Quote
People are so wonderful that a photographer has only to wait for that breathless moment to capture what he wants on film. Weegee Read Quote
I have a method of working on music: I’ll get up in the morning and throw down some drums on my drum machine, and then I’ll come back later and try to pop off rhythms to it. Jeff Hanneman Read Quote
I’m not very happy to be classified as another Japanese designer. There is no one characteristic that all Japanese designers have. Rei Kawakubo Read Quote
We should use our old moral values and our love of peace as the foundation of national reconstruction and look forward to the day when we shall become leaders in world reconstruction upon lines of international justice and good will. Sun Yat-sen Read Quote