So if you’re on tour for eight months, a year… or whatever it is you definitely don’t want arguments and I’m happy to say that I’ve always had a really nice bunch of people around me all the time. Joan Armatrading Read Quote
Now people want what the movie was about, which is violent comedy. And that’s really what The Aristocrats is based on – what will a family do out of desperation. Bob Saget Read Quote
Football is my passion, and who knows where I will play in the future – you cannot foresee that. Edinson Cavani Read Quote
You can fix your body, your heart, your diabetes. In Korea, China, and India, there are people who do yoga. They go to the mountains and do breath-in, breath-out meditation. They can live 500 years and not get sick. Keeping their bodies for a long time is possible; even flying in the sky is possible. Seung Sahn Read Quote
Saddam Hussein didn’t kill 3,100 people on Sept. 11. Osama bin Laden did, and as far as we know he’s still alive. William J. Clinton Read Quote
I didn’t come east of the Mississippi for the first time in my life until I was 26 years of age, but I knew. I read magazines, I listened to radio, I watched television. I knew there was something out there, and I wanted a part of it. Sam Donaldson Read Quote