I’ve never been one to just do what I’m told. I don’t say that necessarily with pride, it’s just something that has gotten me in trouble before. Jemima Kirke Read Quote
When I was growing up, the first thing I wanted to be was a cowboy. That lasted till I was about ten. Then I wanted to be a baseball player. Preferably shortstop for the New York Yankees. Jerry Spinelli Read Quote
Personally, I don’t want to do a lot of angel deals in a year. I get approached a lot. I’m becoming less and less polite, which doesn’t seem to be helping. A lot of the things I get pitched on are from people who just want to make money. Jim McKelvey Read Quote
Muppets’ was very much an exercise in anti-CG and the anti-effects world. It was very much in camera. We wanted to create a world where tangible puppets walked around and talked to each other. You could touch them. You could meet them. James Bobin Read Quote
For over 25 years, Lacy Clay has been a powerful voice for working families and a tireless advocate for the people of St. Louis. And throughout his long career in public service, I’ve considered Lacy a close personal friend. Jay Nixon Read Quote
The most widely criticised singers in the history of opera, Maria Callas and Franco Corelli, happen also to be the best singers. I am honoured for being part of their group. Andrea Bocelli Read Quote
You have to prove that you know what you’re doing. You have to have longevity. You have to stay around. Venus Williams Read Quote
S Club 7, in some ways, was a continuation of some of the things I’d have liked to have done with the Spice Girls. It was also a shift in tone. S Club was this equality of boys and girls, very positive, very uplifting, didn’t have the edge of the Spice Girls. I didn’t want to repeat it. Simon Fuller Read Quote
I’d always been fascinated by people who allow themselves to be so rude and irritated and foul-mouthed and hostile, but usually you can sense there’s something vulnerable beneath them – a shield they use to protect that vulnerable side. Finally, when they expose that soft spot, it’s kind of touching. Paul Dano Read Quote