At the beginning when you’re writing and building the beats of the story, everything that you put in there seems very essential to the story. However, when you have the movie finally edited and it’s 4 four hours long, you realise that some of the events and some of the beats can be easily lifted but the essence of the story remains intact. Andy Muschietti Read Quote
My finding of myself as an artist, which I think in itself helped me to find just who I am and how I want to express myself, is entirely – in conjunction, of course, with my family, particularly my mom – founded on teachers. Uzo Aduba Read Quote
I think what – I think what the American people is looking for is they are looking for moral and intellectual courage and clarity, and not a sense of passivity or confusion. Michael T. Flynn Read Quote
I was blessed by my parents and my antecedents by a very strong work ethic. I mean, being a Member of Parliament is 24/7, just as much as when you’re actually doing a play. It’s not quite 24/7, but it’s the work that counts. Glenda Jackson Read Quote
Whereas a competitive firm must sell at the market price, a monopoly owns its market, so it can set its own prices. Since it has no competition, it produces at the quantity and price combination that maximizes its profits. Peter Thiel Read Quote
There was an enormous revival of pulp fiction that started in the ’60s and continued into the ’70s, which in large part gave rise to things like ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Indiana Jones,’ among others. But I developed an appetite for the original stuff at the time, and that appetite has never really abated. Chris Roberson Read Quote
The best part about playing a mom is that people hug moms. I get hugs all the time. It really makes hard days a lot easier, and easy days are downright joyous. Kim Rhodes Read Quote
On military battlefields, we have defeated radical Islamic forces every time we have seriously gone after them, from Iraq to Afghanistan. Michael T. Flynn Read Quote
When the phone started ringing too many times, I had to take it back to what I can handle. I take my chances on a job or a person as opposed to a situation. I don’t like to have a situation placed over my head. Bill Murray Read Quote
In a world where ideas and ideals flow freely, we want what everybody else in an advanced society seems to have: a say in our future. Joshua Wong Read Quote