Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years. Joseph B. Wirthlin Read Quote
Superman’s original name was Kal-El, or Swift God. His father’s name was Jor-El. Superman was clearly drawn as a modern-day god. Bruce Feiler Read Quote
I think that going to the beach as a child, being in the water and smelling that salt air and hearing the seagulls, it had a real calming effect. But also, it was a mysterious thing – I remember wondering what was under those dark New England seas. Brian Skerry Read Quote
If poly A is added to poly U, to form a double or triple helix, the combination is inactive. Francis Crick Read Quote
Especially on the road, it’s very hard to find time to actually sit down and write. Hozier Read Quote
The greatest myth about mass incarceration is that it has been driven by crime and crime rates. It’s just not true. Michelle Alexander Read Quote
One of the things I had to really work on is, when you’re the leader of an organization, people look at the expression on your face. Your mood has a lot to do with how people think the whole organization is doing. Jim Yong Kim Read Quote