I would love to do regional cinema, provided the role is exciting enough and artistically challenging. Nushrat Bharucha Read Quote
Personally, I’d never seen a graphic novel. I knew they existed because friends of mine like Jonathan Ross collect them and some very literate and intelligent people really rate the graphic novel as a form. Stephen Fry Read Quote
On one level, I am a massive joker and can’t take anything seriously, but on the other hand, I’m incredibly serious and a deep thinker, so I have that dichotomy within me. Shura Read Quote
There’s nothing better than going to the movies and going into another world, and forgetting about everything that’s happening outside. Warwick Davis Read Quote
Most writers like to maintain some sort of anonymity. For me, making videos was an assault. Sheryl Crow Read Quote
I keep getting compared to Marina and the Diamonds because she’s kind of in the same place as me at the moment. It’s quite annoying being compared, actually, because it almost downgrades your work and makes you feel like you’re just another female artist. Ellie Goulding Read Quote
A short distance away from thriving city centres in virtually all of our cities, you will find areas of endemic worklessness, alienation, crime and antisocial behaviour. Chris Grayling Read Quote