I actually believe that Florida and its rich diversity are going to be looking for a governor who’s going to bring us together, not divide us. Not misogynist, not racist, not bigots. Andrew Gillum Read Quote
I go back and forth between wanting to be abundantly simple and maddeningly complex. John Baldessari Read Quote
When I was about 15… I made my first attempt as a leading lady, and was, of course, a complete failure. Maude Adams Read Quote
I’m from a small town in North Carolina and went to a small college and didn’t think that someone like me could make a living in L.A. doing comedy. I worked hard, especially in college, but at that age, you don’t know what’s next. Fortune Feimster Read Quote
Instead of a few hundreds of thousands of men meeting each other in war, millions would now meet, and modern weapons would multiply manifold the power of destruction. Edward Grey Read Quote
The infinite vibratory levels, the dimensions of interconnectedness are without end. There is nothing independent. All beings and things are residents in your awareness. Alex Grey Read Quote
I think the extent to which I have any balance at all, any mental balance, is because of being a farm kid and being raised in those isolated rural areas. James Earl Jones Read Quote