I think working with Johnny Depp was very intimidating. It was my fault though. I mean he’s a total cool nice, nice guy, but I was just so, I don’t know, overpowered by his presence. Like he’s a very mystic person. He’s older so I never really warmed up around him. I was so stiff. Franka Potente Read Quote
I’m not really gonna stop. We’ve got so much stuff to do, so many songs we talked about, so many things to record. Chuck Inglish Read Quote
Though I am not a chief of state, I must work twice as hard as one because I have to both administer a bureaucracy and run a revolution. Yanis Varoufakis Read Quote
As the character talks and moves, the world around him is slowly revealed, just like dollying a camera back for a wider look at things. So all my stories start with a character, and that character introduces setting, culture, conflict, government, economy… all of it, through his or her eyes. Robin Hobb Read Quote
That’s what I love about Australia: we can do things the way we want to do them, because that’s the way our country is – no matter what culture you come from, you can come to Australia and practise your religion, you can practise your beliefs, and you shouldn’t be judged for it. Adam Goodes Read Quote
I learned how to play football and I got pretty good at it. I enjoyed being on a team with other girls. In Hollywood, girls are always competing against one another, so it was nice to be on a team with other girls for a change. Nikki Ziering Read Quote
The definition of a good mathematical problem is the mathematics it generates rather than the problem itself. Andrew Wiles Read Quote
We are working on a lot of innovative ways to provide safer drinking water to the American public. Innovative financing ways. Andrew R. Wheeler Read Quote
The entire economy relies on the suspension of disbelief. So does a fairy story or an animated cartoon. This means that no matter how soberly the financial experts dress, no matter how dry their language, the economy they worship can only ever be as plausible as an episode of ‘SpongeBob SquarePants.’ Charlie Brooker Read Quote
Most writers I know go for word counts, and I used to be a journalist, so I guess that’s ingrained. Aminatta Forna Read Quote