To recruit staff, I traveled all over the country talking with people who had been working on one or another aspect of the atomic-energy enterprise and people in radar work, for example, and underwater sound, telling them about the job, the place that we are going to, and enlisting their enthusiasm. J. Robert Oppenheimer Read Quote
Life is a blur when one is essaying different roles; it is so fulfilling. Amitabh Bachchan Read Quote
When I first asked my boxing coach, two-time Olympic champion Hector Vinent, what made the Cuban style of fighting distinct from the rest of the world, he smiled and told me to sit on a bench in Prado and watch the Cuban women walk. Brin-Jonathan Butler Read Quote
At Pixar, ‘Wall-E’ was our ninth film, and they’ve all been successes – more than that, they’ve all really touched people. Everybody wonders, ‘How do you do it?’ Well, how do you not do it? You just work hard. John Lasseter Read Quote
A lot of people, including business leaders, think the future belongs to China. Globalization is not a zero-sum game, but we need to hone our skills to stay in play. Jon Meacham Read Quote