I was not one of those children hanging on Ma’s coat-tails following her round sets. I’d go to the theatre after school if she was working, but I didn’t even know what an agent was. Rachael Stirling Read Quote
Companies and football teams have become successful precisely because of how diverse they are. Clarence Seedorf Read Quote
I’ve thrown vanilla beans into mustard. Nothing crazy or grainy, just normal dijon. It’s great for duck. Smear some of that right on the duck, coupled with some roast plums, and it all comes together in that savory over sweet over savory over sweet way we all love. Alex Guarnaschelli Read Quote
The TV audience is way bigger than a book audience, and no matter what I do, I’m always thinking if this will help people read my books. Michael Connelly Read Quote
I don’t hear anyone out there that sounds like us. They can try but it’s in the sonics, the whole carcass of the song. The way it attacks you is so well engineered. No one else can do that. They don’t have the ability to make that noise. Keith Flint Read Quote
Tum Tak’ is a beautiful thought and is a rhythmic expression. It’s been composed beautifully. It may sound easy but is difficult to attempt or sing it live. Javed Ali Read Quote
We are moving beyond the non-fiction novel to different kinds of narrative art, different forms of cognition. Loaded with moral and political point, narrative has been recalibrated to record, honour, and protest the latest historically specific instance of futility and mess. Geoff Dyer Read Quote
I love palm strikes because you have a longer reach. Normally, when you give a left hook and then a right straight, you are too close for the right straight. Why? Because the hook is shorter. Bas Rutten Read Quote
If you write something down on paper, it becomes an actual goal. Before you write it down, it’s a thought, a dream that may or may not get done. Summer Sanders Read Quote