Ultimately, to have a career in movies, to a certain extent, certainly in England, you can’t sustain a career in just English movies. Clive Owen Read Quote
Why should Ireland be treated as a geographical fragment of England – Ireland is not a geographical fragment, but a nation. Charles Stewart Parnell Read Quote
It is vital for officials and regulators to have input from people within our businesses who understand the intricacies of how financial markets operate and the consequences of certain policy decisions. Jamie Dimon Read Quote
If you have a workforce that enjoys each other, they trust each other, they trust management, they’re proud of where they work – then they’re going to deliver a good product. Jeff Smisek Read Quote
There’s something terribly solitary about working in movies and television, and in New York, so much of the theater is showcasing. Jeff Perry Read Quote
I remember going to Taiwan for the first time and… I didn’t realize that everyone looked like me here and what that’d feel like. Jon M. Chu Read Quote
I spent the summers packing toothpaste at a factory, working where my dad worked, and everyone else had gone on a gap year! Jo Cox Read Quote