I think the only regret I have is not to have opened my eyes sooner to aspects of life like the relationship of man with nature and animals. Sylvie Guillem Read Quote
You have so many games to play, and you can do well in one game but bad in the other ones. The thing you’ve got to be is consistent. Giannis Antetokounmpo Read Quote
I worked two days in Texas and two days in Hollywood on ‘Bonnie and Clyde,’ and that was it. I had no idea how it was going to turn out. And when I saw it, I was so upset, or fascinated, or something, by the sight of myself on the screen that I could hardly pay attention to the rest of the movie. Gene Wilder Read Quote
I mean people have compared us to like the Grateful Dead and all these like psychedelic sixties bands. Jon Fishman Read Quote
Whether it be a bolder lip, a dewier cheek, a more lush lash, or an exceptionally extravagant eye, no time is better than the present for unleashing your cosmetic creativity. Pat McGrath Read Quote
I love social media, and it is an important part of how we make change happen. But we can’t retweet ourselves out of our most serious problems. Shaun King Read Quote
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. Friedrich Nietzsche Read Quote
When I was living in L.A., first of all, I had actually tried out or submitted to be on ‘Tough Enough’ when I was living in L.A. and then I ended up getting, like, a few call backs, but because I had just moved out there for the Lakers, I just felt like I couldn’t have done both. Carmella Read Quote
Making love is like hitting a baseball. You just gotta relax and concentrate. Susan Sarandon Read Quote