A lot of the composing posture you see in Joanna I actually took from Lauren Bacall from ‘To Have or Have Not.’ I absolutely adored that movie as a kid, and I just remembered this woman who was so statuesque, and I was like, ‘I want to do that.’ Stephanie Corneliussen Read Quote
You date people to practice and to learn and to grow. But for me, everything was always a hang-up, or there was something there that I felt was a bit off. Michael Landes Read Quote
Eloquence, at its highest pitch, leaves little room for reason or reflection, but addresses itself entirely to the desires and affections, captivating the willing hearers, and subduing their understanding. David Hume Read Quote
I was very young when we got married and I don’t know why it worked out like it did or how I was smart enough to know that this was the right guy, but somehow I got lucky. Kyra Sedgwick Read Quote
Well, don’t tell Steve Niles but I just don’t think horror works in comics. Robert Kirkman Read Quote
I prefer to have one gigantic laugh preceded by several smaller laughs rather than a bunch of medium laughs all along. Ron Shock Read Quote
I don’t care about the money. Honestly. All I care about is winning football games. Zach Ertz Read Quote
I think, having done ‘The Princess Diaries,’ it was a fun experience, and it’s cool to have made fans that are now into all this music. That movie is still so relevant to our culture. It’s always on. It’s kind of a rare, nostalgic thing. I get tweets all the time about it. Robert Coppola Schwartzman Read Quote
When I got to college, as I was walking across campus one day, I ripped off a little flyer for this sketch-comedy group. It ended up being one of the greatest things I’ve ever done. John Krasinski Read Quote