I took an oath to protect the Constitution, and protecting the Constitution means not letting the president bypass the separation of powers. Blake Farenthold Read Quote
I have wondered sometimes if there are not perhaps some disadvantages in having really blue blood in one’s veins, like grandmamma and me. Elinor Glyn Read Quote
I went from beating John Cena in my first match to winning the Intercontinental title to defending it at WrestleMania. Kevin Owens Read Quote
By the beginning of the 20th century, the debate about monetary policy and the nation’s financial system had been going on for over a century. Increasingly, the shortcomings of the existing system were causing too much harm to ignore. Jerome Powell Read Quote
If you’re in a series, you can’t quit, you can’t work in the theatre and you can’t do a movie when you like. Sarah Jessica Parker Read Quote
For me, being able to go anywhere you want, with an element of precision and control, has been the goal. Paul Parker Read Quote
Football is a game of moments now and if someone does four step-overs, they’ve had an incredible game. That’s not something I do. Mark Noble Read Quote
Jesus Christ was a patriot! His country was the world. His laws were the eternal principles of liberty, and his followers, in every age, have been the chosen champions of freedom! Orson F. Whitney Read Quote