The thing that brings people to wail at a wall, or face Mecca, or to go to church, is a search for that feeling of purity. Michael J. Fox Read Quote
It’s great to get out of the study and work with real living and breathing people. Christopher Hampton Read Quote
To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea. James Madison Read Quote
It’s very rare that you have a liberal run as an unabashed liberal. They have to lie about it. They have to mask who they are. And in order for them to survive and thrive, they have to keep that up. Rush Limbaugh Read Quote
I think being a Pink Lady, for me, meant that I was in the ‘In Crowd.’ I was one of the cooler kids. Didi Conn Read Quote
Driving a car is no longer about zooming down clear lanes, the joy and freedom of the road flowing through your hair like a fine westerly breeze. It’s about solid traffic, petrol fumes, spy cameras, eco-guilt, and simultaneous social media. Victoria Coren Mitchell Read Quote
Presidents have the right to nominate their own cabinet secretaries. But their nominees don’t have a right to confirmation. Senators have a constitutional duty to advise and consent to the appointment of all Cabinet officials. They should take that duty seriously. Gary Bauer Read Quote
I think the reason we fought so hard during this campaign, whether it was my father and the work that he put into it, whether it was the rest of our family and the efforts that we put into it – and you know those efforts well – it’s because we’d do anything for this country. Donald Trump, Jr. Read Quote
I am always running late for absolutely everything; my hair’s the last thing I do because I am terrible at it. Rachel Riley Read Quote