I’ve always loved cuneiform; I’ve always loved the way it looks. I love that it’s the world’s oldest script. And the creative potential of bad translation or misunderstanding or something has always been at the core of the idea of ‘Dirty Projectors.’ So the cuneiform is pretty playful – basically, just a joke. David Longstreth Read Quote
Sustaining a narrative in sentences and paragraphs is very different from songwriting. But the dedication to the craft and just the endurance that it takes, you know, to stick with it and believe you can pull it out and make it real and finish it, I learned that a long time ago writing songs. Rodney Crowell Read Quote
I had no idea what it would be like to be a bomb tech in Baghdad until I got there so I didn’t know what to expect. It was very eye-opening. Mark Boal Read Quote
I have had some cosmetic surgery, especially after I lost weight and stuff, and I’ve had my breasts lifted – but not injected. That would scare me to death, anyway. Dolly Parton Read Quote
I think ‘Trial & Retribution’ as a brand can go on forever. Its joy is that it has, to an extent, a formula, which gives a comfort routine for viewers. But we allow our directors total autarchy in putting their personalities on their stories. Victoria Smurfit Read Quote
I would not want to be a leader of a country that had launched ICBMs against the United States. Steven Weinberg Read Quote
The most important thing when you study hypnosis is that you learn that humans are irrational. Until you understand that, hypnosis is hard to do… For me, it was this great awakening to understand that humans are deeply irrational, and it’s probably the greatest influence on me in terms of my writing. Scott Adams Read Quote
Put as much pressure on me as possible. I have no qualms handling that, because I expect that out of myself. Max Scherzer Read Quote