I’m very type-A, and many things in my life are about control and domination, but eating should be a submissive experience, where you let down your guard and enjoy the ride. Anthony Bourdain Read Quote
For us, whether the market is skewed from a bubble perspective or not really is mitigated by staying focused on what we do best. David Sze Read Quote
You have got to have a good sense of humor, you have got to be tough, and you have got to know how to dress. Frank Vincent Read Quote
It’s like going back to ‘X Factor’ but it’s even bigger because Eurovision has so many more viewers. Saara Aalto Read Quote
I had a ridiculously idyllic childhood. I think back and am like, ‘Wow. I was so naive, in the best way.’ Gayle Rankin Read Quote
Is anything, in all respects, so influential as consideration? Does it not, by a kindly anticipation, create the divisions of the active life itself, in a manner rehearsing and arranging beforehand what has to be done? Saint Bernard Read Quote
I breastfed both my kids for two years so, you know it was very tiring emotionally and physically. Isla Fisher Read Quote
People have seen me on-field, but no one knows about my off-field life. People rarely know that personality of me. Sandeep Singh Read Quote
As we continue to grow, the question is, how do you keep the company as innovative as it was 15 employees ago? Jon Oringer Read Quote