What encouragement the apostle holds out to us. O my friends, that we might leave all our pretensions, and come to the truth in our own hearts. Elias Hicks Read Quote
I never made a mistake in grammar but one in my life and as soon as I done it I seen it. Carl Sandburg Read Quote
One of the first times I ever performed in front of a big group of people was at my kindergarten graduation. I did, like, a Michael Jackson impersonation as, like, a five year old. I had the suit and blazer, the glove and the fedora, and I just performed a whole Michael Jackson song. I’m sure it was ‘Smooth Criminal.’ Chance The Rapper Read Quote
The end goal is to make a piece that everybody has ownership over and everybody’s proud of because everybody contributed to it. I think there’s a communist, socialist vibe to ‘Portlandia’ to make it work. Jonathan Krisel Read Quote
When I became a lawyer, no one asked me if I had spent some time in special ed. All they wanted was a good lawyer. Elijah Cummings Read Quote
I write longhand on legal pads, about half at home and half in cafes. I drink a lot of water and eat a lot of raw carrots. Daniel Handler Read Quote