James O’Keefe is a journalist, doing the work ‘real’ journalists don’t dare, and has been conducting undercover investigations for years with dozens of scalps collected along the way. The more the ‘true’ journalists who back the Democrat machine attack him, the more emboldened he becomes to pursue his next project. Katie Pavlich Read Quote
We’ve got to have major health care reform because that is the 800-pound gorilla. That is the thing that can swamp the boat fiscally for the United States. Kent Conrad Read Quote
In order to truly get deficit spending and federal debt under control, the Trump administration is going to have to eventually address entitlement reform. If not, Trump will not only become part of the Washington status quo on the issue, but will leave burdensome and expensive problems for future generations. Katie Pavlich Read Quote
I want to be best golfer in the world. But I feel like golf is not everything in my life, but I want to keep doing it, keep working hard, do the best I can on the tour and give back to the tour. Yakov Smirnoff Read Quote
I decided that I wanted a farm back in 1940 when I was with the Dodgers. I tried to find one within commuting distance of New York. Larry MacPhail Read Quote
I don’t know Sally Jenkins. I’ve met her once. I wouldn’t know her in an elevator. Daniel Snyder Read Quote