The Democratic Party is made up of trial lawyers, labor unions, government employees, big city political machines, the coercive utopians, the radical environmentalists, feminists, and others who want to restructure society with tax dollars and government fiat. Grover Norquist Read Quote
The biggest danger to the movement is that it is getting too big in sheer weight of numbers. Other sports will become more popular in terms of numbers, and everyone will want to be involved in the Olympics. Princess Anne Read Quote
As we segregate by income into different communities, schools in lower-income areas have fewer resources than ever. Robert Reich Read Quote
Time is the ultimate long tail. Even with a big wad of money up front, if something sells forever, the back end is what ultimately counts. J. A. Konrath Read Quote
Democrats are fighting fire with fire. Our principled stance on Medicare and Social Security is absolutely no different than the Republicans’ stance on no revenue increases without cuts. Judy Chu Read Quote
I kind of assumed all of Australia was like the Gold Coast – so I was telling people Australians just work out and go to the beach. Like, Australia has it figured out! But then I went to Sydney, and it was nothing like the Gold Coast – but I still loved it. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II Read Quote
You learn more from defeats and it makes you hungry to go and improve the next time. That’s the way I have dealt with things during my whole career. John McGinn Read Quote