I want to educate people and deliver news that isn’t just surrounded by Charlie Sheen. I’d like to be able to do the serious stuff in conjunction with the comedy. Chelsea Handler Read Quote
Tax season always means a deluge of tax advice. Unfortunately, most of it is futile and lightweight. Robert Kiyosaki Read Quote
I don’t really write any of my raps down. The same, Kanye don’t write any of his raps down. Common. It’s easy that way. For me, personally, I figure I will lose some of the inspiration in the time of me writing it down, or I’ll say it a certain way because I wrote it a certain way. Big Sean Read Quote
The Cricket All Stars was lot of fun. To see all those legends sitting there together, talking cricket and respecting you for who you are, was an amazing feeling. My father was slightly jealous of me. Shibani Dandekar Read Quote
Often, what I tell a new CEO asking for advice, or one of my own new leaders, is the two most important decisions that your team is going to watch is the first person you hire and the first person you promote – because you are saying that’s the type of person I want. John T. Chambers Read Quote
This may sound corny, but I really admire my husband, Vivek Deora, as a businessman because I am amazed by how he conducts business internationally. Maneet Chauhan Read Quote
In the fun house of today’s metastisizing sports-entertainment megaplex, when every day brings another story revealing how these ‘heroes’ we create are fashioned from base clay, a pause might be in order to reflect on athletes who actually embodied the qualities we think we admire in the too-easily deified. Mark Frost Read Quote
I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It’s not. Mine had me trained in two days. Bill Dana Read Quote
The number one thing I look for in a man is integrity. A man who does what he says he’s going to do. Summer Glau Read Quote