I think we’re experiencing a resurgence of fantasy-type conventions in general because people want to get out around kindred spirits. Cons are a great place to meet people you’ve been tweeting and FB’ing with, and since you’ve had an online relationship with them, it’s not like meeting for the first time. Mel Odom Read Quote
I can understand why people have a hard time separating their feelings on Covington the man and Covington the fighter. He certainly doesn’t make it easy. He’s extremely polarizing on his tamest day. But it’s important to note that he wants the world to hate him. Ariel Helwani Read Quote
When I’m working with improv people, I give them the green light to just bring it and try things. Jon Favreau Read Quote
I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was seven, and it was a bit of a struggle to begin with. It was a challenge as I began my school career – spelling and reading was something I couldn’t really get my head around. Princess Beatrice of York Read Quote
I stay away from heavy-handed stuff, the good guy and the bad guy. It just doesn’t interest me; all it does is create more fences between people, I think. Sam Shepard Read Quote
We can be tackled but referees are there to police dangerous challenges. Forwards are protected by the laws of the game and the way it’s played, while defenders and midfielders have to throw themselves about a bit more. Eniola Aluko Read Quote
I am a nerd, but I don’t dive head-first into any fiefdom of nerdiness, except for maybe ‘Star Trek.’ James McAvoy Read Quote
I do a little thing about the way people shake the sweetener packet. You know, like they’re all excited. I want to get all the granules down to one end. I love all these rituals. Jerry Seinfeld Read Quote