People of the country are totally disappointed with the administration of Narendra Modi. H. D. Kumaraswamy Read Quote
I don’t call myself an actor, I call myself an entertainer, because I don’t just do one thing. John Barrowman Read Quote
No actor wants to choose – they just want all of the options available to them all the time; we tend to be pretty greedy. Gillian Jacobs Read Quote
When a fan buys a ticket, we learn an enormous amount about them: What bands they like, where they live, how much they are willing to spend. Someday, a fan will be sitting in a bar and his cellphone will text message ‘Sonic Youth are playing tonight. Do you want to go?’ He’ll buy his ticket over the phone and walk to the concert. Michael Rapino Read Quote
I’ve been vegan for 15 years, and it turns out it makes a very big impact on the environment to eat fewer animal products, which cause more greenhouse gases than all of transportation combined. Emily Deschanel Read Quote
I am Mother Jones. The Government can’t take my life and you can’t take my arm, but you can take my suitcase. Mary Harris Jones Read Quote
I love to be the center of attention. My oversized ego craves it and needs it. Paul Shaffer Read Quote