I do a big roast of Trump during my set now – which I clearly expanded on – because there’s so much to make fun of him about now. Lisa Lampanelli Read Quote
The United Nations should serve as a forum to address our common challenges. And it must also be a space to generate solutions for mutual benefit. This is the very essence of what the United Nations is about. We must position the multilateral system to better serve our people and deliver on their aspirations. Miroslav Lajcak Read Quote
There is so much that can be done, you see, the assembly is about improving our democracy. Ron Davies Read Quote
I wouldn’t trade those 10 years for anything. The Navy taught me a lot of things. It molded me as a man, and I made a lot of wonderful friends. Ernest Borgnine Read Quote
A lot of it, as it is in any job in life, is being in the right place at the right time. Julie Harris Read Quote
A lot of players are straight-faced and serious; some are the opposite. It’s like that until about 10 minutes before kick-off and I am in the zone. Then there is no more joking about. Daniel Sturridge Read Quote
I don’t want to be perfect, but I do want to be a role model. My mom always tells me that imperfections equal beauty. All of us are imperfect. Miley Cyrus Read Quote
I was not raised to be someone’s wife. I was raised so that things should be evenly distributed. Joie Lee Read Quote
As a protester, I protested because I had to, not because it was exciting. I don’t want to get tear-gassed again. DeRay Mckesson Read Quote