When you encounter people in life – like a chance encounter at a bar or wherever you happen to be – you make these incredibly quick, quite intricate decisions about people based on very small amounts of coded information. We’re good at that. Alex Garland Read Quote
We’ve seen what happens when it serves a president’s interest to flaunt his faith – which is almost inevitably does, since every poll affirms that Americans want their leader to submit to some higher power. Nancy Gibbs Read Quote
Space is a laboratory, an experiment in all forms of all things, an infinity of possibilities, properties, and places that cry out for investigation and exploration. Rick Tumlinson Read Quote
I don’t think I’ll ever do a record that’s just the same song over and over again because I’d like to think about it like it’s an album and a snapshot of everything that makes you who you are and where you’re at at that time in your life. Lzzy Hale Read Quote
You have to separate what needs to be done to avoid the fiscal cliff and what needs to be done longer range. It’s a mistake to essentially collapse those two – they’re not the same. I don’t think you can achieve everything at once. Sander Levin Read Quote
My journey is different from other star brothers, kids, or sisters. I think that is one of the main reasons that people don’t question me on this. So far, the media and the audiences have not really roped me into the ambit of nepotism. Aparshakti Khurana Read Quote
The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear. Brian Tracy Read Quote
When I see a blatant injustice, I can’t keep quiet. I’ve been that way since I was a little kid. Francisco Goldman Read Quote