Restaurant Man’ is kind of the story, an unabridged story of what happened in my life, the good bad and ugly. Some people might glean some life lessons. It is honest, not written as a press release. Joe Bastianich Read Quote
Anything that you think is wild or fun, or can’t wait to see or show your friends, go for it. Roman Coppola Read Quote
As another has well said, to handicap a student by teaching him that his black face is a curse and that his struggle to change his condition is hopeless is the worst sort of lynching. Carter G. Woodson Read Quote
I’m so blessed to have gone to Wisconsin. It’s a great school and great coaching staff with incredible fans. I had a lot of great teammates that wanted to be successful. I played behind a huge offensive line. I think that proved a lot, too, as a 5-11 quarterback showing I could play under center with those guys in front of me. Russell Wilson Read Quote
I realized that acting isn’t necessarily what I love, but it’s what I do. But I really do love filmmaking. Sam Jaeger Read Quote