You see, at the end of the day, my most important title is still ‘mom-in-chief.’ My daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world. Michelle Obama Read Quote
Growing up, I had a front row seat to seeing two people work really hard. My dad scrubbed toilets at a private Catholic school for a while, and that was to help me get through school. Mia Love Read Quote
When I hung out with my Uncle Chris, things got real. He was fun, talkative, and loud. He was the life of the party and a magnet for mischief. Since he saw the world through a gangsta’s lens, he wanted me to become tough and aggressive. Lecrae Read Quote
My idea is simply – is very simple – is that the books of poetry should be published in far greater volume and be distributed in far greater volume, in far more substantial manner. You can sell in supermarkets very cheaply. In paperbacks. You can sell in drugstores. Joseph Brodsky Read Quote
I started out in this business in rock and roll bands and stumbled into drag. Drag just happened to be my vehicle for my creativity. So, you know, it’s afforded me the opportunity to create new shows, to make music. RuPaul Read Quote
Legacies are defined not by what happened to you or how it happened. It’s how you pick yourself back up and you continue to fight each and every day. Jay Williams Read Quote
In philosophy you’re never 100% sure. You’re always undermining what you think you know. That’s always been my philosophy and my intellectual ethos. Adam Conover Read Quote
I really like battle ropes. They’re so versatile; you can get a terrific workout doing a ton of different exercises with them. My clients like them because they’re a good way to get aggression out, too. Had a bad day? Take it out on the ropes! Gunnar Peterson Read Quote