Amir Khan is Amir Khan. He’s a great fighter; he’s got great attributes. But Prince Naseem brought something completely different to any other fighter in the whole world. Naseem Hamed Read Quote
Every thought and word that a novelist thinks or writes is part of that castle constructed from sands on the beach of Me, including the turret or rampart or moat he may have thought or written on behalf of someone or something else. Steve Erickson Read Quote
There’s definitely still a lot of hurt from losing my guys or the fact that I got out and I felt like it wasn’t my time yet. Chris Kyle Read Quote
It’s always going to be hard when you see the other team lifting a trophy. When you have to walk up those stairs and collect the runners-up medal, it’s hard. Jesse Lingard Read Quote
That is why, as soon as I felt a real attraction for my first passion which was the motorcycle, and in spite of the danger it could represent, they encouraged me. Jacky Ickx Read Quote
If it wasn’t for what goes on in the world of politics, we wouldn’t really have much of a show. Samantha Bee Read Quote
I don’t make resolutions, because resolutions seem so ephemeral and transient to go away. Ian K. Smith Read Quote
I stopped buying Sunday papers about 15 years ago, because you’d buy handfuls of them, and what you got, because the hard news comes from so many other channels, was opinion pieces. You’re better off spending the money on a good novel. Gerry Adams Read Quote