I’m not being asked to conform to some prior expectation of what a Congress member is, but I’m just getting to be me. Katie Porter Read Quote
There are many times I don’t feel like going to work out, but I know if I do, I’ll feel better. Ana Ivanovic Read Quote
It’s a ‘Doctor Who’ budget. A BBC budget, although a very good one. But you know you can’t do dinosaurs endlessly for 45 minutes, so there has to be a big ‘other’ story going on. Chris Chibnall Read Quote
I actually got thrown into my Bar Mitzvah because my teacher, my Cantor, did not tell me that they would all say ‘amen’ at the end of each, for want of a better word, paragraph. And that threw me completely. I almost went into an Ella Fitzgerald sort of scat. Jeffrey Tambor Read Quote
It’s time to wake up to the reality that ignoring the genuine concerns of the ‘fringe,’ until it becomes the majority, is patently ridiculous. That the scapegoating of alternative opinions doesn’t work. Margarita Simonyan Read Quote
Immigrants are integral to the strength of our nation. They deserve comprehensive reform that will provide a pathway to citizenship and ensure that families aren’t torn apart. Jan Schakowsky Read Quote
There is a beauty and clarity that comes from simplicity that we sometimes do not appreciate in our thirst for intricate solutions. Dieter F. Uchtdorf Read Quote
When you label so much of what happens to you as ‘bad,’ it reinforces the feeling that you are a powerless pawn at the mercy of outside forces over which you have no control. And – this is key – labeling something a bad thing almost guarantees that you’ll experience it as such. Srikumar Rao Read Quote