I had the feeling that focusing on objects and telling a story through them would make my protagonists different from those in Western novels – more real, more quintessentially of Istanbul. Orhan Pamuk Read Quote
Imperfect though it may be, the Beijing Platform for Action is the strongest statement of consensus on women’s equality, empowerment and justice ever produced by governments. Bella Abzug Read Quote
Strikeforce is here to stay; we are definitely going to do our part to grow the sport and be good ambassadors of the sport. Scott Coker Read Quote
My personality is such that I mostly tend to imagine the worst case scenario, which stresses me out a lot. Neha Sharma Read Quote
Gatherings and, simultaneously, loneliness are the conditions of a writer’s life. Jerzy Kosinski Read Quote
I’ve gotten a lot of messages from kids struggling with their identity and sexuality, whether it’s because they’re in a religious family or a small town or a sport that’s not very accepting. I’ve had a ton of outreach, and I’ve tried to get back to kids as best I could. Gus Kenworthy Read Quote