You know, most people called rap stupid when it started, and it was one of the most innovative music forms of its time. Dan Deacon Read Quote
At the turn of the 20th century, the disparity in literacy here in the U.S. largely came down to race. Nearly half of minorities at that time – 45 percent – were illiterate, while 94 percent of white citizens were literate. Peter Diamandis Read Quote
There are lots of really interesting little planets out there in the Kuiper Belt, but Pluto’s the only one that’s got all the cool attributes. Alan Stern Read Quote
A whole bunch of big technological shocks occurred when Asian innovations – paper, gunpowder, the stirrup, the moldboard plow and so on – came to Europe via the Silk Road. Charles C. Mann Read Quote
I started watching, growing, learning, and putting in extra effort to become the best queen I could. Shangela Read Quote
Following graduation from high school in 1948, I attended Harvard University where I became a physics major. Having grown up in a small town, I found Harvard to be an enormously enriching experience. Students in my class came from all walks of life and from a great variety of geographical locations. David Lee Read Quote
Meryl Streep’s brilliant, just brilliant. I’ve been fortunate to do two movies with Meryl. And for an actor to go moment to moment like she does, there’s no one better. And she dances between moments. Each take is different because she’s riding instincts, she’s riding impulses. And she trusts that. Jeff Daniels Read Quote
As a kid, I would never have imagined I would live in England for four years. I am very happy and contented that my daughter is growing up in a country as developed as this one. Carlos Tevez Read Quote