If you’re looking at people like Patrice Lumumba, you are looking at people who had a very definite plan, and events overran them. Chiwetel Ejiofor Read Quote
I felt unworthy, and it’s amazing how God kind of showed me that that’s how we act as humans, and that’s sometimes how we act in our Christian life. Benjamin Watson Read Quote
You do T.V. and movies to make the money, and then you do theatre for the love of it. Josh Hamilton Read Quote
If they are going to nibble and try to go below the zone or off the plate a little bit, I want to try and get a pitch in the zone that I can do damage on. Aaron Judge Read Quote
I’m undrafted. It’s always going to be like that. I have to go above and beyond on everything that I do, even though I have the stats. Chris Harris, Jr. Read Quote
The general manager is kind of like the step into darkness when you reach the top of the league. As GM, you’re responsible for everything, including the maitre d’s and the sommeliers – all these people who have their own agendas. But you probably make less than the maitre d’ and have a lot more work and a lot more headaches. Joe Bastianich Read Quote
I searched for years I found no love. I’m sure that love will never be a product of plasticity. Frank Zappa Read Quote