When they wrote the Constitution, only white male landowners had the right to vote. Jesse Jackson Read Quote
When Sinead O’Connor tore up the picture of the Pope, you could hear a pin drop. I didn’t know it was coming, obviously, because at dress, she had held up a picture of Balkan orphans, which I thought was really meaningful and what she wanted to do. Lorne Michaels Read Quote
We need sensible people in the system, who are honest and passionate about the country and will not fall pray to corruption. Manini Mishra Read Quote
Here are the facts: In 2007, I led Prince William County in adopting a policy of (1) inquiring into the immigration status of every person arrested for a crime; and (2) implementing the federal 287(g) program, which deputizes County Jail officers to determine the immigration status of every inmate. Corey Stewart Read Quote
My wife Patrice, in addition to being enormously supportive, has taught me a lot about life. She might argue it’s because I have so much to learn. One of the most important things I’ve learned is the art of listening. James Comey Read Quote
What being a socialist means is… that you hold out… a vision of society where poverty is absolutely unnecessary, where international relations are not based on greed… but on cooperation… where human beings can own the means of production and work together rather than having to work as semi-slaves to other people who can hire and fire. Bernie Sanders Read Quote
Liberated from the error of pagan tradition through the benevolence and loving kindness of the good God with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the operation of the Holy Spirit, I was reared from the very beginning by Christian parents. From them I learned even in babyhood the Holy Scriptures which led me to a knowledge of the truth. Saint Basil Read Quote
New Mexico is the second Hollywood. No, it is, it is. They built all sorts of film studios. Gary Johnson Read Quote