As soon as I start reading, drawing comes to me more easily. I find I work in my sketchbooks more. But if I’m working on a new show, my reading completely stops except when I’m on a plane. I take a stack of New Yorkers with me. I feel awful about those stacks of New Yorkers. Barry McGee Read Quote
Other than motherhood, the eight years that I spent at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, I have incredibly fond memories of. It’s a beautiful place, with four seasons up in Wisconsin. And really wonderful people. Laurel Clark Read Quote
I joined the Communist Party when I was 18. When I was 10, there was the miners’ strike, and the Cold War was going on; it was quite a potent time to get involved in politics. I got involved through my grandfather, who was a member. Maxine Peake Read Quote
I keep kosher, so I have an element of consumption awareness embedded into my daily life. One of the things the practice does is make one more mindful of – and grateful for – what goes into your body. Joshua Malina Read Quote
By attracting attention to yourself, you distract people from the movie. Ideally, you like a movie to speak for itself. You don’t describe a song before you sing it or tell about a painting before you show it. You don’t reveal the recipe before you serve the dish. You taste it. Warren Beatty Read Quote
My generation, the so-called post-’90s generation that came of age after the territory was returned to China, would have the most to lose if Hong Kong were to become like just another mainland Chinese city, where information is not freely shared and the rule of law is ignored. Joshua Wong Read Quote
I’m so proud and honored to have been in ‘Lonesome Dove’ and ‘Eight Men Out.’ How come I’m not known for one of those? D. B. Sweeney Read Quote
I can look back at things I’ve done and said and worn and be completely humiliated by them, but I can never say it wasn’t me. I feel really honored to say that. Debby Ryan Read Quote